
That's So Sick!

Ah-chooo!(a sneeze, even though I have a lymphnode, if that is indeed how you spell it, infection)
Alright everyone, I will admit that I have nothing real to say or report but it's forever since I said anything to/heard anything from any of you (though the fact that no one comments doesn't help, but I'll just go on as if you all are participating) and I was dieing a little inside. So as I mentioned before I'm sick. I've been sick for like three days now and I'll tell you this, it's no fun! Wednesday was the worst, because I was the sickest, and I could barely move and was running a fever all day. Thursday, okay I lied Thursday was worst, around 4 am I was running around 102.5 and I was shivering so hard I felt like I was going to throw up! Today is overall the best (because, though aparently it's a minor point, I went to the Doctor yesterday and got an antibiotic) so I'm sitting watching Made on MTV and possibly breaking yet another fever. On a happier note my multi-chaptered fanfic (since I've already revealed my secret nerdiness to all of you) has now gotten over fifteen-thousand hits! I'm pretty much thrilled! Oh and we went to this awesome all nighter thing last weekend (and I learned I'm a total no sleep wuss) we saw a pro-basketball game (no offense basketball fans but it was a bit dull) and then bowled for like ever! I'm the worst bowler you've ever met, I kid you not... well okay I kid you a little, I never actually lose lose but I'm usually like the one who barely beat whoever lost out of pure luck. Well I gotta shower, my cousin's coming over and I still have fever sweat on me (ewwww!). oh the comment questions: 1) Are you sick? 2) Do you like pro-basketball? if so what's your favorite team? 3) any big Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate) plans? 4) like, love, or loathe the new section (see below vv, those are arrows, in case you couldn't tell)
Quote of the Post: Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't. -- Mark Twain
Later -- Barry