
Cause We're the students who don't do anything (much)

Hi-- sorry about the blankness. My computer has been randomly like freaking out on my lately!
http://www.youtube.com/v/7qbawjbE_W8"> http://www.youtube.com/v/7qbawjbE_W8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
if that comes out just gibberish I'm sorry it was supposed to enmbed my first ever youtube video on here. Also if you followed my advice on youtube and came here afterward then go you you impressionable person!
I really am very babble prone today (but what else is new you know?) so please forgive me that.
Jen is drum major and an over-acheiver and all kinds of other crazy things so please forgive her that she doesn't blog much (also her internet stinks).
And now that I'm done groveling I'll move onto the goodbyes (sorry gotta motor!) <3 -- B


Be-YOND Busy!

A-Yo (yep like the Fonz) -
I'm sorry about the sad pathetic amount of updates lately, it's been a little crazy what with school starting and all. Wow Jen's school is sounding really hard (almost painful) this year but mine's doing quite well. I've a lot to do this year but with my foot keeping me from doing some stuff it's like "What else have I got to do?" so I'm working pretty hard.
I'm trying to do an obscene amount of math this year, I want to review Algebra, do all of Algebra 2, and get Geometry done and let me tell you I SUCK at Geometry (seriously I could, and would, do 5 lessons of Algebra a day if it meant not having to do Geometry)!
Anyway on from the boring stuff to more interesting things...
My parents are having their
Yay, Daddy and Mommy (yeah I do really still call them that, shut up)!! Who says couples that get married can't be happy? Well whoever they are, they're wrong! My parents have an awesome marriage and are a really good example of what marriage should be like, not always pretending all's well but always loving one another no matter what crap's going on. So YAY them! Anyway, they're taking a little mini-vacation in celebration going to the lovely place that they had their honeymoon, waaaayyy up north to Mackinaw. I will (of course) be left home for this (by force and by choice, seriously not my place to be there AT ALL (eww...)), so I don't know if there will be any updates from me next week, sorry to any and all loyal readers/commenters (wishful thinking I suppose).
Have any of you ever had a weird music craving? You know woke up one morning and thought 'wow I really want to jam out to some folk rock!' Well I have (not folk Rock, which I actually do like so be nice to it) but I sat to type this up and thought 'the soundtrack of today is.... a little Classical I think' usually if i thought this the world 'Classical' would be followed by the word 'Rock' (if it was used at all) but no, not today. And weirdly I'm really digging this classical music, it make me feel slightly more relaxed (which I need I've been feeling really crappy lately, like weirdly on the verge of tears all the time, it's driving me nuts!) and you all should really be thanking classical music right now because it is definitely at least part it's fault that I'm now a lot less cranky (and thusly you're all reading a much less gloom and doom post). So... WooHoo Classical Music!!

And now I leave you with this icon (even though Jen's been loading icons into the side board and I don't know how to, darn her....)

And as I said since she's beating me at icons I will add a second one ...

I feel that the second one is rather an anthem for our lovely little blog here...
On behalf of everyone here at We Don't Want Your Cookies (aka jenandbarry.blogspot.com) I thank you for your time and attention! -- Barry
Morality, like art, means drawing a line
someplace -- Oscar Wilde