

Why hello there!
I am currently waiting for 3 very long videos to load so I can watch them. Having slow dial up makes me feel vulnerable!

Anyhow... I just made cheesecake and I smell it! By the way, that is one of my favourite deserts! Particularly strawberry cheesecake... yummy! It is best made in West Virginia... I think. I never had it in very many states, but there it's quite tasty.

I have decided that if anyone needs advice or prayer or someone to talk to, you can always post a comment and I (and most likely) accompanied by Barry, will do our best on advising/praying/talking to you about it.

On a lighter note, I get to go Snorkeling! We own a huge boat and I am going to the Caribbean! Okay that was a lie. We own no boat, and we aren't going to the Caribbean. Although if I were offered I would love to go (except for the fact that sharks are there... scary!). I am afraid that I am going to get eaten by a ruthless shark... If I do, I told you so!

Have you ever seen someone who has an annoying smile? I am not sure if I have, but when I do I will let you know. There is a picture in a magazine of a girl who has an annoying smile and it is just sitting there. Smiling at me. Grr... I think I am going to close that magazine now (it's my sister's magazine... not mine). There. No more annoying smile chick!

I am not tired, and therefore not as random as normal but I just want to say this. AHHHHH!

That felt good. There are many reasons for my AHHHHH!, and I will not bore you with them since you would get bored and not come back to read more! Aren't I nice?

I have 4 and 1/2 minutes left for the longest one- which means I have a whole half hour to do nothing. All you high speeders out there: I envy you!

Barry has fast Internet... urg! I envy you Barry!

I think I am going to surf (very slowly) on the net. Peace out dudes! (That's how people from a few decades ago said goodbye)



Vote Swayyer -- Barry

'Lo --

Yay! My first solo post... ho-rah!

Moving on...

Well Jen may not want to sway the vote but I sure do! Go Anybody-But-Obama-or-Hilary 2008!! Sorry, I'm not really a rebuplican or a democrat but... well yeah I guess I actually am, GO REPUBLICANS!

Moving on (again)...

Sorry randomness prevails but it's really late so please cut me some slack. I just read Jen's post and she talked about pink so that got me thinking: why when we add white to blue it's called "light blue", and when we add white to green it's called "light green" and (if you were to) add white to yellow or orange it'd be "light yellow or orange" (probably though I guess I never really thought to name those colors) but if you add white to red it's not "light red" but pink? Why does red and white get it's own name? Why don't all colors and white get their own totally different words? Like why isn't blue and white shnerp or some nonsense? It just seems unfair is all. Sorry just made me wonder.

Other things I wonder --

+if you drop a cat, is it kitty litter?

+why does "sour" cream have an expiration date?

+whose mean idea was it that the word "lisp" had an "s" in it?

+why do "fat chance" and "slim chance" mean the same thing? Aren't fat and slim opposites?

+how are there self-help "groups"?

++ okay I admit it I may have gotten a few (or all) of these things from http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/makeup/6353/ponder.html and you should go there for more because it really does make you wonder!

All of these seriously funny things make me think of one of my favorite comedians. His name is Demetri Martin and he's SO funny, no really google him now! Well actually finish reading my post and then google him but at some point do google him.

You know the more you write "google him" the dirtier it sounds. Google him, goggle him, sorry I'll quit now but really just say it over and over the more you say it the grosser it becomes...

Moving on (againX2)....

As much as Jen hates the color pink I hate inane TV shows for teens/kids! Seriously iCarly, Hannah Montana, Suite Life of Zach and Cody, Degrassi, Secret Life of the American Teenager, they're all so dumb. And even sadder than the fact that they make these shows is the fact that I, personally, watch or have watched mostly all of them! I mean honestly! Just because something is aimed toward my demographic does not mean it suddenly becomes mandetory veiwing, but it sort of does... odd that. (Please if you're in love with any or all of these shows don't be mad at me, just really look at the show you'll see how stupid it is).

Well I suppose that I rambled enough now and should probably go but I wish to leave with an icon, you may feel free to copy it off you should like...
Hasta -- Barry

1:59 In the Morning--Jen

Hello there,
It is in the wee hours of the morning here and I am not tired and neither is Barry. In fact we were just drawing. Strange huh? Well it is for me. I have no artistic abilities whatsoever so drawing is extremely frustrating and irritating. I think that it may be because what I want to draw, doesn't look right at all and therefore the struggle with the pencil continues with no hope for me.
Ice cream is a wonderful invention. Whoever invented it, please post a comment. I would very much like to thank you for the wonderful dreams you have allowed me to have (because of the eaten ice cream I think...)!
There are many things I have dreamt about that are quite odd to most people, but to me they are fun! In fact, just last night, I had a strange dream about falling off a cliff (getting pushed actually), and climbing on this wooden plank above shark infested water (okay it was just one shark- but it was still scary).

I know this has nothing to do with dreams, but I (Jen, not Barry) think the color pink is almost very repulsive. Weird isn't it? I think it is just so... Blah-bimbo-barbie-esque.... Eww.

Have you ever met someone who seems like a nice person, but when you think about it, they are just faking being nice so you won't hate them? Yeah, well it is annoying isn't it? If you don't know someone like that, well... it's annoying. I know someone like that. Today, actually, they were acting like a dude bimbo (if that exists- acting dumb to get attention). It was irritating. He's also a pig. I wont explain that but girls out there- Never go for them no matter the looks. They will just dump you like last weeks trash. And to you guys out there- don't be pigs.

I hope you all don't mind my- erratic randomness. Being both bored and (yes I cave) tired, my mind is just jumping around very quickly.

Picture frames have always seemed like a weird thing to me. They are just some boxy looking thing that holds your pictures. Just use paperclips people! What a waste of money! Well- I have a few exceptions:
Wedding pictures
Those stupid family pictures (I never go willingly)
Graduation pictures
I think that is about it. People can just use magnets and stick them on their fridge.

That is another thing. People are tricked so easily. Not like tricked-against the law tricked- I mean like pay so much more money than necessary kind of tricked. We (in America at least) waste so much money on silly, silly things... Okay I can't say anything horrible because I do it too.

What do you guys (well and gals) think about how we perceive beauty? Like the whole what's hot, and what's not kind of deal. What is beauty to you? Inner, outer, both, neither? I will not say a word until I hear from you so I don't sway the vote kind of thing. Oh! That reminds me- What are your ideas on the election? Who's your candidate and why? I have my ideas but the first person to tell us gets some of our cookies (virtual thanks through a post)! Aren't you hungry?

I am guessing some of you actually want to go eat now (our cookies are better!). Well I think Barry wants to make a post. Now it is 2:33 AM. Wow.
Goodnight- or rather Good morning!
Cheerio! Or should I say, Fruit Loop?
Jen!!! :)


Post Numero Uno!

Wow three spanish words in two sentences and neither of us are even remotely spanish or mexican or any native spanish speaking people at all. Weird. Well as mentioned we are Jen and Barry. Jen - the lovable, quirky, blonde-ish haired chick with unbelivably long eyelashes (she has no idea I just wrote that!) and Barry - a unique brunette, with green eyes, and a pention for jewelry and odd sayings t-shirts (I think I do know I just wrote that). We've been friends for ages and have an oddly large amount of opinions on things a lot of people never even think to think about. We love to make up words (like incest-pervastion) and sayings (we can't think of any right now, we'll get back to you) and (if you're Barry) playlists (because I have no real musical abilities).
We've also decided that what this really truely needs is some video content (more than likely nothing above a "G" rating but they'll still be funny). Our answer to this thought is as follows:

We find said video vastly amusing and hope you will as well, her name for them was "The Olympics" because we think those buns and that sound are stereotypically oriental (no offense meant, we just thought it was funny).

Later People of the Internet!