
Cause We're the students who don't do anything (much)

Hi-- sorry about the blankness. My computer has been randomly like freaking out on my lately!
http://www.youtube.com/v/7qbawjbE_W8"> http://www.youtube.com/v/7qbawjbE_W8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
if that comes out just gibberish I'm sorry it was supposed to enmbed my first ever youtube video on here. Also if you followed my advice on youtube and came here afterward then go you you impressionable person!
I really am very babble prone today (but what else is new you know?) so please forgive me that.
Jen is drum major and an over-acheiver and all kinds of other crazy things so please forgive her that she doesn't blog much (also her internet stinks).
And now that I'm done groveling I'll move onto the goodbyes (sorry gotta motor!) <3 -- B

1 comment:

~justme~ said...

hey just wanted to tell you i havea blog to so check it out....www.alwaysplainandsimple.blogspot.com