
Just Thought You Should Know!

Yep, I really did use a quote from a Harry Potter movie as my title (I'll give a virtual cookie or something if, in your comment, you can tell me which movie!), I'm that much of a Potter-geek!
Howdy ya'lls!
It's been ages (and I have healed! in case you were, you know, worried or whatever) and I have missed you. This seems to be pretty much just Barry's blog at this point, which is a little bit sad I guess, but you never know, Jen could return to us (maybe). Inanycase welcome to 2009 (the last "0" year for 90 years dunchakno) and a verry late (but verry Merry) Christmas to all! I hope your hols kicked (mine really did). But they were weird for me. Like awesome weird, I saw all of my family (except on set of aunt, uncle and cousins) and got some really awesome stuff too (not the reason but a nice perk! Dude I got COACH shoes!) but it never really felt like Christmas, you know? Of course you don't, it's crazy. But... oh I don't know either!
Moving on...
I'm in a funky mood today. Sad music, nostalgic, lathargic(sp?) mood and music, it doesn't help it's cold and grey like a fat,dead pigeon outside I'm sure. I'm sure it doesn't help, I mean, obviously the weather's the weather so no confusion there. Ah.
Moving on (again)...
I just (well yesterday) finished the last book in the Princess Diaries series, it made me a little sad that it was the last one but it was pretty good. A lot of it was about her and her boyfriend considering having sex, so that was kind of not my style at all but it was just usual Mia, and I have to say (as lame as this may sound) Mia is one of my best book "friends" I love reading about her life! I love how, even though she's nothing like me (hello, she's tall!), I feel her pain. That's amazing writing. When you feel like you know the character(s)! That's the kind of writer I want to be. Speaking of, I'm still working on my book (kind of) and I started the serquel to the Lioness Diaries on fanfiction.net (it's called Lioness in the Limelight, if you were interested, by quik-wit) and thus far it's a total hit! Yay! All right, I've chattered enough!
Comment Questions:
1) how were your hols?
2) Do you even like the whole new "comment questions" thing? Would you comment without them?
3) Do you read fanfiction? Should I stop telling ya'll about my stories?
Afterwhile ... um Crocid..no...Crocka...nope...uh... Dude(I can't spell the thing that goes with "afterwhile" sorry, I did try!)! -- Barry
Quote of the Post: "Not all that can be counted counts and not all that counts can be counted." -- Albert Einstein
PS -- as usual this is going up unedited, sorry!

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