

Wassup! (sorry I'm running out of original greetings)
This is one of those few and far between type posts where I actually have News! Our church has a blog now, http://http://mrcccsermons.blogspot.com/. The entire sermon from each week will be posted there, yay!
In other news, Jen and I are back from Florida and we had an absolute blast! We took like 20 pics the entire time, which I'll admit is a little sad esp. since I got a new camera for Christmas, but once I get them loaded up I'll put them on my facebook... which I'm going to be allowed to get soon! yay! I sound like I'm twelve. Whatever, I've never wanted one until now and my parents wouldn't let me get one until relatively recently and those to factors meant that I had no facebook. I'll post the link here once I get one, if I get one.... I;m still thinking about it! I'm a woman, changing my mind is my prerogative! haha
Also I'm going back to Florida in six days! I'll be there for a week before my parentals make their arrival. I'm pretty excited to go back to the warmth but I'll miss everyone, esp. because I was sick (yes again) last Sunday so I'll only get one Sunday of church/my friends for almost a month. Sad no? But I'll deal. :)
Love for always!
Quote of the Post (I've given up on comment questions, you are a hater-y people who do no answer!) -- In three words I can sum up everything I know about life: it goes on. -- Robert Frost
PS once again I've not edited yet please chillax

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