
Less Depressing (a very mcuh more to this sites general theme!)

Hola everybody! -- Barry
Sorry about the major gap in postings this crazy little thing called life got in our way! *lesigh*
Anyway on from crazy things (well probably not but you can hope), there's an election coming up and in Jen's last bolg she asked you about who you were voting for. Know how many responses she got??? ZERO! That's pathetic and sad and... *sigh* (sorry I say *sigh* a lot even when I'm writing non-blog type things, I always feel melodramtic but whatever sorry if it bugs you). In any case, if you won't tell me (us) what you think I'll tell you what I think. GO MCCAIN AND PALIN 2008! NOBAMA!!! OBAMINATION!! hahaha sorry I'm like seriously anti-Obama, he bugs me. Also he's smooth and it'd scare me to have a smooth President, like it'd scare me to have a smooth boyfriend, because you'd never know if you thought what you thought or if he made you think you think what you think, make sense?
Moving on, my life's been good lately... a little bit nutso what with all my ankle stuff and arranging my trips (yep plural) to Florida this year. I get to go once for a week in November and for about three weeks in Feburary, with is awesome to me because if I stop homeschooling next year I might only get to go for a week or less from 2010 on into the entire rest of my life (sad no?). Also Christmas is coming soon and I'm trying to plan my friends and my (semi)annual Christmas bash. This year we're doing a movie-a-thon of all of our Christmas favorites and the not-so-secret-Santa (because we can't keep it secret but don't want to just call it Santa)gift exchange. I love the hols I think they're awesome! It's so fun it starts at like Halloween and then straight through until the first of the new year, *happysigh*, only problem is that I have to get gifts now (like purchase them, I don't mind receiving!lol) and I never know what to give people! We haven't even drawn yet but I still have no clue what I'm going to get whomever I draw! Worse than not know what to get my N.S.S.S.F. (not-so-secret-Santa Friend) is that I have no idea what to get my best guy friend! I was thinking a CD (mix of course because I never buy whole CD's anymore) but I don't know I got him one a coupla years back that I think he really liked but I don't his musical tastes as well now, I just don't know! I've gotten him to good of presents in the past, I just can't top them (for his last birthday I got him these wicked awesome drumsticks, then last Christmas... well last Christmas I thought he stopped liking me so I got him nothing, the B-day before that I got him a hat signed by several players on the Detriot Tigers, including his favorite, and the Christmas before that was the mix CD, so see hard to measure up to)! I don't know, he'll probably like what ever I get him but I want him to like it because of what it is too, not just because of who it's from. I'm whining like a chick...
Wait no I don't say negative things about the female gender anymore so I take that back. I'm reading a book right now about how women have lost sight of the purpose we were created for, it's called Fight Like A Girl and I'm like four chapters in so I'll let you know how it is once I finish it. I'm doing a lot of reading as far as Bible studies right now, and I've got to say I'm loving it! It gives you just a generally better veiw on life and your role in it over all. I've also read a book recently called For Young Women Only which is about guys. And the ladies that wrote the book base pretty much everything they say on what guys said (in an anonymous national survey) and what the Bible says (the two don't always see eye to eye you understand), I've got to say I was fascinated and am now trying to practice some of the things I've read. For example, it talks about how visual guys are and how that's not their fault, it's the way they're wired to be, so dressing slutily (word?) isn't just disrespectful to yourself but to them too, so I've been trying to dress really modestly (rather this extreme than the other, though I never ever ever was the other extreme even a little to my knowledge).
-- Barry

1 comment:

xXx_terror_xXx said...

HEY HEY HEY! hey yall its tori. . . well i love ur blog way better than mine . . . well i thought i would leave yall a comment . . . so i got my hair cut . . . its short . . . and cute but i have to go back and get the back a bit shorter cuz it looks funny! lol well just thought i say I LOVE YOU BOTH (very very much) well . . . as barry would say
-toodles (sp?)