
1:59 In the Morning--Jen

Hello there,
It is in the wee hours of the morning here and I am not tired and neither is Barry. In fact we were just drawing. Strange huh? Well it is for me. I have no artistic abilities whatsoever so drawing is extremely frustrating and irritating. I think that it may be because what I want to draw, doesn't look right at all and therefore the struggle with the pencil continues with no hope for me.
Ice cream is a wonderful invention. Whoever invented it, please post a comment. I would very much like to thank you for the wonderful dreams you have allowed me to have (because of the eaten ice cream I think...)!
There are many things I have dreamt about that are quite odd to most people, but to me they are fun! In fact, just last night, I had a strange dream about falling off a cliff (getting pushed actually), and climbing on this wooden plank above shark infested water (okay it was just one shark- but it was still scary).

I know this has nothing to do with dreams, but I (Jen, not Barry) think the color pink is almost very repulsive. Weird isn't it? I think it is just so... Blah-bimbo-barbie-esque.... Eww.

Have you ever met someone who seems like a nice person, but when you think about it, they are just faking being nice so you won't hate them? Yeah, well it is annoying isn't it? If you don't know someone like that, well... it's annoying. I know someone like that. Today, actually, they were acting like a dude bimbo (if that exists- acting dumb to get attention). It was irritating. He's also a pig. I wont explain that but girls out there- Never go for them no matter the looks. They will just dump you like last weeks trash. And to you guys out there- don't be pigs.

I hope you all don't mind my- erratic randomness. Being both bored and (yes I cave) tired, my mind is just jumping around very quickly.

Picture frames have always seemed like a weird thing to me. They are just some boxy looking thing that holds your pictures. Just use paperclips people! What a waste of money! Well- I have a few exceptions:
Wedding pictures
Those stupid family pictures (I never go willingly)
Graduation pictures
I think that is about it. People can just use magnets and stick them on their fridge.

That is another thing. People are tricked so easily. Not like tricked-against the law tricked- I mean like pay so much more money than necessary kind of tricked. We (in America at least) waste so much money on silly, silly things... Okay I can't say anything horrible because I do it too.

What do you guys (well and gals) think about how we perceive beauty? Like the whole what's hot, and what's not kind of deal. What is beauty to you? Inner, outer, both, neither? I will not say a word until I hear from you so I don't sway the vote kind of thing. Oh! That reminds me- What are your ideas on the election? Who's your candidate and why? I have my ideas but the first person to tell us gets some of our cookies (virtual thanks through a post)! Aren't you hungry?

I am guessing some of you actually want to go eat now (our cookies are better!). Well I think Barry wants to make a post. Now it is 2:33 AM. Wow.
Goodnight- or rather Good morning!
Cheerio! Or should I say, Fruit Loop?
Jen!!! :)

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