
Vote Swayyer -- Barry

'Lo --

Yay! My first solo post... ho-rah!

Moving on...

Well Jen may not want to sway the vote but I sure do! Go Anybody-But-Obama-or-Hilary 2008!! Sorry, I'm not really a rebuplican or a democrat but... well yeah I guess I actually am, GO REPUBLICANS!

Moving on (again)...

Sorry randomness prevails but it's really late so please cut me some slack. I just read Jen's post and she talked about pink so that got me thinking: why when we add white to blue it's called "light blue", and when we add white to green it's called "light green" and (if you were to) add white to yellow or orange it'd be "light yellow or orange" (probably though I guess I never really thought to name those colors) but if you add white to red it's not "light red" but pink? Why does red and white get it's own name? Why don't all colors and white get their own totally different words? Like why isn't blue and white shnerp or some nonsense? It just seems unfair is all. Sorry just made me wonder.

Other things I wonder --

+if you drop a cat, is it kitty litter?

+why does "sour" cream have an expiration date?

+whose mean idea was it that the word "lisp" had an "s" in it?

+why do "fat chance" and "slim chance" mean the same thing? Aren't fat and slim opposites?

+how are there self-help "groups"?

++ okay I admit it I may have gotten a few (or all) of these things from http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/makeup/6353/ponder.html and you should go there for more because it really does make you wonder!

All of these seriously funny things make me think of one of my favorite comedians. His name is Demetri Martin and he's SO funny, no really google him now! Well actually finish reading my post and then google him but at some point do google him.

You know the more you write "google him" the dirtier it sounds. Google him, goggle him, sorry I'll quit now but really just say it over and over the more you say it the grosser it becomes...

Moving on (againX2)....

As much as Jen hates the color pink I hate inane TV shows for teens/kids! Seriously iCarly, Hannah Montana, Suite Life of Zach and Cody, Degrassi, Secret Life of the American Teenager, they're all so dumb. And even sadder than the fact that they make these shows is the fact that I, personally, watch or have watched mostly all of them! I mean honestly! Just because something is aimed toward my demographic does not mean it suddenly becomes mandetory veiwing, but it sort of does... odd that. (Please if you're in love with any or all of these shows don't be mad at me, just really look at the show you'll see how stupid it is).

Well I suppose that I rambled enough now and should probably go but I wish to leave with an icon, you may feel free to copy it off you should like...
Hasta -- Barry

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